All you need to know about Cloves!

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All You Need To Know About Cloves !!!

Cloves are pink flower buds that are dried and then used in food. They come from Spice Islands and other tropical areas.

The Dutch East India Company held a monopoly on the world clove trade, leading to violent battles with other nations who sought control of clove production and trade. The intrigue around the scarcity of the spice, along with the company’s power in colonialism, led to wealth for the Dutch.

Cloves are a popular and common spice. The main source of their flavor is the powerful compound eugenol, which contains health benefits. Cloves can be described as having a floral flavor with strong undertones of eucalyptus. The flavor of cloves can very easily overtake other spices, especially if they are used with the oils still intact.

Cloves are a popular spice in many cultures. Unlike other spices, they need to be used sparingly and with caution because they can easily dominate. If you press cloves with your fingernails, if some oil releases, then your clove has not been stripped of its oils, making it more potent. In addition to this, cloves are considered warming spices and have several nutritional benefits.

Cloves can be used both whole and ground. They are often used in Asian dishes, as well as broths and pilafs. Cloves are an important part of drinks like masala chai. They are also used to flavor meats and bake. Cloves can be used to create ‘pomanders’ too, which is where cloves are studded into oranges, making it a present that perfumes the air or provides warmth during festivals.

Cloves are a spice used in cooking and can also be used for medicinal purposes. Cloves have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and analgesic potentials. Ancient Indian medicine also prescribed cloves as an aide for breathing problems and also used them to solve dental issues such as easing the pain of cavities. 

Clove oil is used in the perfume and cosmetic industries, it’s also beneficial in controlling skin irritations like acne. It can be used as an insect repellent but is banned in some countries.

Buy whole cloves to preserve the long-lasting, fragrant scent. Waiting to use ground clove can lead to degradation of the spice and should be used quicker. To find fresh clove spices still on the shelf, visit our website that has a high turnover list of spices.

The word ‘Clove’ may come from the French word for nail, “clou.” The Latin term for nail can also be used. Legend says that a clove tree is planted when a child is born because it symbolizes love and protection. Another legend says that burning cloves would stop gossip about you (I’m off to burn some cloves now).

If you are looking to buy this aromatic spice, don’t look further, do log in to our website, and place your order for our fresh and organic cloves, which will be delivered to you at your doorstep. 

Stay tuned for more posts coming up !!!

2 thoughts on “All you need to know about Cloves!”

  1. Anjali Wadhwani

    Thank you for such useful information about cloves and other beautiful indian spices! Soo many facts that I didn’t know…its indeed wonderful

  2. Thank you for giving such useful information on indian spices. Soo many facts that we don’t know.

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